
Free Webinar

Free Webinar

The Befriending
Your Parts Framework

Learn about this Framework that combines Nervous System Regulation work, Parts Work and Self-Compassion Work (and a few other essential goodies) to help you heal so that you can feel good about yourself, have a peaceful inner dialogue, feel safe in your body and comfortable around others.

In this FREE WEBINAR, you’ll discover:

About Me

I’m a licensed therapist (MSW, RSW) since 2005, specializing in Self-Esteem, Trauma, Anxiety, and Nervous System Regulation. I’m also a human who has been through my own healing journey with low self-esteem, trauma, anxiety and nervous system dysregulation. From the age of 5 years old, I began having intense anxiety.

Ready to learn all
about The Befriending
Your Parts Framework?

Sign up for my free webinar to learn more
about how The Befriending Your Parts Framework can help you heal.

Fill out the form bellow to watch it right now!

What Clients & Students Have To Say...

Want to feel good about yourself,
have a peaceful inner dialogue, feel
safe in your body and comfortable with others?

Sign up for my free webinar that will teach you all about how The Befriending Your Parts Framework can offer you the missing pieces you need to heal. Fill out the form bellow to watch it right now!

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